I’m a writer of fiction and non-fiction, which has been published in 3AM Magazine, The Mays, Litro Magazine, Minor Lits, 1000 words, Pornokitsch, Ban Fiction, The Tribune, Little Atoms, Talking Book, and more.

If you like my writing, follow me on Medium. And if you really like it, buy or take out my debut novel The Prick, which The London Magazine called “compulsively readable” and Ox. Magazine compared to “Evelyn Waugh equipped with a smartphone.” Now available as well, the tie-in novelette The Pricklet.

My substack Artless is a weekly newsletter on all things to do with the work and art of artworks, and to which you can, nay, must subscribe.

Medium member since November 2023


Book Author

Novelist, book and film critic, author of 'The Prick' (Open Pen 2019) and tie-in 'The Pricklet'; more writing at 'Artless' at https://mazinsaleem.substack.com